Who we work with
We work with people-powered movements that work across economic, social and environmental issues.
The outcomes we want to see are:
A sustainable world - with regenerative economies, industries and environments
Stronger communities and movements, getting the resources and recognition they need so they can focus on creating the societies they want to live in
A growing consensus around the ways to achieve sustainable development and the essential contribution that movements make
The Movements Trust welcomes applications from:
Informal and unincorporated groups, as well those that are registered/constituted (e.g. CICs)
Movements formed of at least 3 people, and individuals if you are working in partnership with others - but above all, with the power or aspiration to reach many more
Movements with little or no existing resource, and those experiencing barriers or exclusions
Movements who use influencing approaches that are charitable activities. In other words, non-violent organizing and awareness raising, and nothing party-political
We support movements who are working towards a sustainable society, for example:
Working for systems change that will create a more sustainable world and encourage a move away from practices that extract from the environment, exploit people, damage the environment, and limit our resources
Working with others to develop practical or innovative ideas about a better future, and one that champions a sustainable world, where all people meet their need for just work, housing, health, education, environment and communities
Working locally, nationally or globally
Or working on something we haven’t thought of yet!